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Gender, Religion, and Caste – Class 10 Civics: Complete Guide with Questions, Answers, MCQs, and Book Work

Comprehensive guide on Class 10 Civics' Gender, Religion, and Caste chapter with detailed Q&A, MCQs, book work, and key concepts.
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Gender, Religion, and Caste – Class 10 Civics: Complete Guide with Questions, Answers, MCQs, and Book Work

The chapter Gender, Religion, and Castefrom the Class 10 Civics textbook is significant as it explores the influence of social divisions on Indian politics. It discusses how identities like gender, religion, and caste shape political behavior and often lead to inequality. This guide provides an overview of the chapter along with detailed questions, answers, MCQs, and book activities to help students prepare for their exams.

Chapter Overview: Gender, Religion, and Caste

1.Gender and Politics

•Gender Inequality:Women face discrimination in almost all areas of life. Gender inequality can be seen in education, employment, wages, and political participation.

•Political Participation of Women:In India, women’s participation in politics is increasing, especially at the local level due to the reservation of seats in Panchayats and Municipalities. Despite progress, women are underrepresented in higher levels of government.

•Patriarchy:A system where men hold dominance over women, which is deeply rooted in many societies, including India.

2.Religion and Politics

•Secularism:The principle of separating religion from politics. India is a secular state, which means that no religion is given special treatment or preference in government affairs.

•Communalism:The political use of religion, often leading to conflicts between religious communities. In a country like India, with its diversity of religions, communalism can have dangerous consequences.

•Religion in Indian Politics:Political parties sometimes use religion to mobilize voters, but the Indian Constitution mandates that the state should remain neutral and not support any particular religion.

3.Caste and Politics

•Caste System:A hierarchical social structure in India based on birth, traditionally dividing people into various social groups. Although caste-based discrimination is legally banned, it still exists in many forms.

•Caste in Politics:Many political parties rely on caste-based voter mobilization. Caste identities influence political representation and policymaking. This has helped empower marginalized groups, but it has also created divisions within society.

Key Terms and Definitions

1.Gender:Social and cultural differences between men and women.

2.Patriarchy:A social system where men hold primary power.

3.Secularism:The principle of separating religion from political matters.

4.Communalism:A situation where religion is used for political purposes.

5.Caste System:A traditional form of social stratification in India based on birth.

Questions and Answers (NCERT Solutions)

Short Answer Questions

Q1. What is meant by gender division?

•Answer:Gender division refers to the unequal roles, rights, and responsibilities assigned to men and women in society. It manifests in gender-based inequalities in education, employment, wages, and politics.

Q2. Why is the political expression of gender division beneficial?

•Answer:The political expression of gender division is beneficial as it leads to increased political awareness among women. It helps them demand equal rights and raises issues like women's health, education, and representation in politics.

Q3. What are the ways in which women in India still face inequality today?

•Answer:Women in India face inequality in education (lower literacy rates), employment (lower wages, fewer job opportunities), and political representation (underrepresentation in legislatures). Domestic violence and lack of access to healthcare are other significant issues.

Q4. What is communalism?

•Answer:Communalism is a political ideology that promotes the interest of one religious community over others. It often leads to religious conflicts and tension, disrupting harmony in a multi-religious country like India.

Q5. How has the caste system affected politics in India?

•Answer:The caste system affects Indian politics by creating divisions where political parties mobilize support based on caste identity. While this has allowed marginalized groups to gain political power, it also strengthens caste divisions in society.

Long Answer Questions

Q1. Explain the impact of caste on Indian politics.

•Answer:Caste plays a significant role in Indian politics as many political parties organize their support base along caste lines. Caste-based mobilization allows marginalized communities like Scheduled Castes (Dalits) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) to gain political representation. However, it can also lead to caste-based politics, which may deepen social divisions. The reservation system in education and jobs has been a tool to uplift lower castes, but discrimination still persists.

Q2. How has women’s participation in politics increased in India?

•Answer:Women's participation in Indian politics has increased significantly at the local level due to the reservation of one-third of seats in Panchayats and Municipalities. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments mandated this reservation. At the national level, however, women remain underrepresented in legislative bodies like the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, though there is ongoing debate about increasing their representation through reserved seats.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.Which of the following is true regarding gender inequality in India?

   a) Women receive equal wages as men.  

   b) Women are more represented in politics than men.  

   c) Women face discrimination in education and employment.  

   d) None of the above.  

   Answer:c) Women face discrimination in education and employment.

2.What does secularism mean in the context of India?

   a) The state can favor one religion over others.  

   b) The state has no official religion and treats all religions equally.  

   c) The state promotes religious values.  

   d) The state bans all religious activities.  

   Answer:b) The state has no official religion and treats all religions equally.

3.What is the main feature of communalism?

   a) Promotion of secularism.  

   b) Encouragement of caste-based unity.  

   c) Religion being used as the basis for political activities.  

   d) Gender equality in religious practices.  

   Answer:c) Religion being used as the basis for political activities.

4.Which constitutional amendment reserved seats for women in local bodies?

   a) 42nd Amendment  

   b) 61st Amendment  

   c) 73rd Amendment  

   d) 86th Amendment  

   Answer:c) 73rd Amendment

5.Which of the following terms refers to discrimination based on birth?

   a) Patriarchy  

   b) Caste System  

   c) Secularism  

   d) Communalism  

   Answer:b) Caste System

Fill in the Blanks

1. Women in India face discrimination in the areas of _______ and _______.

   •Answer:education, employment

2. The principle of _______ ensures that the state does not favor any religion.


3. _______ is the ideology that prioritizes the interests of one religious community over others.


4. _______ refers to a hierarchical system of social division based on birth.

   •Answer:Caste system

5. The _______ and _______ Amendments to the Constitution reserved seats for women in local government.

   •Answer:73rd, 74th

Book Work and Classroom Activities

Here are some activities that students can engage in to deepen their understanding of the chapter:

Activity 1: Debate on Secularism

•Organize a class debate on the advantages and challenges of secularism in a country like India. This will help students understand the importance of separating religion from politics while discussing the challenges India faces due to communalism.

Activity 2: Case Study on Gender Discrimination

•Students can work in groups to research gender discrimination in various fields like education, employment, and politics. Each group can present their findings and suggest solutions for reducing gender inequality in India.

Activity 3: Survey on Caste-Based Discrimination

•Conduct a survey in your community to analyze whether caste-based discrimination exists today. The results can be discussed in class to understand how caste affects different aspects of life, such as employment, education, and social interactions.


The chapter on Gender, Religion, and Castehelps students understand the impact of social divisions on Indian politics. Through this chapter, we learn how these divisions have led to both progress and challenges in achieving equality. By understanding these issues, students are better equipped to become informed and active citizens, working toward a society where equality is the norm, not the exception.

About the Author

Hello, I'm Ayaan, a passionate blogger residing in the picturesque city of Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Join me on my journey as I explore and share my thoughts through the lens of my experiences.
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